After nearly a week of principal photography on the new film I’ve written for the SyFy channel, I’m happy to report that we’re making something friggin’ cool.
So far, we’ve shot with an incredible cast including Spun Out’s Holly Deveaux and Heartland’s Amber Marshall, plus Jason Cermak, Lara Zaluski, Roger LeBlanc, Graham Littlefield and Megan Tracz as our heroes, getting into all kinds of nasty trouble at the end of the world. And some of them even live through it.

It’s been a pretty wild time, with weather giving us the gift of gorgeous snowfalls, and making us pay the price by having to shoot in -15 degrees. You can’t even pay for that kind of production value! Well, I guess James Cameron can…
Between doing some on-the-fly re-writes, running a camera, animating graphics, and supervising visual effects, I’ve actually had some time to do a bit of directing, if you believe it! And working with huge talents like the extraordinary DP Neil Cervin, and David Winning (he directed the Power Rangers sequel), it really is a dream team to have on board to bring this screenplay to life!
As of right now, IMDb is telling us that there’s a September 2014 release… so keep watching here, and keep your eyes peeled on Twitter for the #FalloutAsylum hashtag for updates from all of us!